Wednesday, October 10, 2007

2.0 Ultra-Efficient Engine Technology (UEET)

Present engines have several weaknesses and limitations. Hence, ultra efficient engines are being looked into to provide better efficiencies, lower fuel consumption rates, reduction of noise and reduction of pollution levels.

Ultra-Efficient Engine Technology Program (UEET) is a 5 year program of NASA that plans for the next generation of aircraft engines. This program requires the close partnership with several organizations as well as the utilization of NASA’s expertise and research facilities to come up with technologies that can overcome three main challenges.

The first challenge is to have an engine that can provide for all kinds of speeds including subsonic, transonic, hypersonic and supersonic. Presently, different engines are designed for different speeds. For instance, turboprop and turbofan are limited to low speed airplane and ramjet is built for high but limited range of speeds.

The second challenge is to increase efficiency so as to reduce CO2 emissions based on fuel savings of up to 15%.

The last challenge is to develop technologies for 70% reduction in NOx emissions during takeoff and landing conditions. This is important as there are air quality concerns and potential ozone depletion issues linked with NOx emissions.

The UEET program has 7 technology areas, namely:

1) Propulsion Systems Integration and Assessment
2) Emissions Reductions
3) Highly-Loaded Turbomachinery
4) Engine Materials and Structures for High Performance
5) Propulsion-Airframe Integration
6) Intelligent Propulsion Controls
7) Integrated Component Technology Demonstrations

1) Propulsion Systems Integration and Assessment
This section takes the technologies developed in other projects, integrates them into the conceptual system and assesses how successful they are in meeting UEET goals. The assessments act as a guide to the program and help to identify any shortfalls.

2) Emissions Reductions
This section aims to develop combustion technologies to reduce NOx emissions by 70% during the landing and take-off cycle from the 1996 International Civil Aviation Organization standards and also reductions of reasonable standards during cruising.

3) Highly-Loaded Turbomachinery
This section will address the efficiency and fuel burn goals of the program through providing flow controlled turbomachinery technology for the higher UEET cycle pressure ratios.

4) Engine Materials and Structures for High Performance
This section will develop computational material science tools and advanced high temperature materials to cater for quality performance, high efficiency and environmentally friendly propulsion system.

5) Propulsion-Airframe Integration
This section will try to determine the best nacelle position and the optimum nacelle and airframe shaping so as to reduce aerodynamic drag. The reduction of aerodynamic drag will improve performance and efficiency, leading to fuel burn reduction and hence less CO2 emissions.

6) Intelligent Propulsion Controls
This section will develop intelligence technology through the use of sensors, actuators, control logic and propulsion system integration to help improve engine hardware maintenance, increase flight safety.

7) Integrated Component Technology Demonstrations
This section will carry out tests on the technologies developed to make sure they are functional when integrated into the overall system. This confidence is necessary to reduce risk.

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